Saturday, September 19, 2009


Debbie Ford is a NY Times Best-Selling Author and internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation and human potential. I have benefited immensely from reading her books and will soon be seeing her movie, "The Shadow Effect." In my research, I found this video clip online where Debbie speaks about her book, Spiritual Divorce. I listened to it even though divorce is not part of my life. I watched this video clip and thought of "divorce" as something coming to and end. (not necessarily a marriage.) This could pertain to a job, a friendship, a bad habit or anything that people tend to hang on to a bit longer than they should.

We may have all seen people forgo opportunities because of fear. We can be so afraid of closing the door on something in our lives, that we spend more time being upset about that one closed door than about the thousands of doors in front of us that we could choose to open.

Aside from being afraid of change, sometimes people can be bitter because of it and can blame the world for their troubles. Not accepting responsibility is one way to stay upset and to not give yourself permission to live a better life. I feel bad for the "victims" of the world who created the label and hold tightly to it as if it will somehow ever change on its own. Spiritual Divorce sounds like a great book for those who cannot let go of the past or the bitterness or who have not yet given themselves permission to be happy.

Here is Debbie Ford speaking of the ideas in her book. Even without reading the book, this video clip is helpful and gives you lots to think about!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lisa & John - Crane Beach

Congratulations to my friends Lisa and John on their wedding on Crane beach! It was great to be part of your day and what a great beach day we had. (Lucky you!)

Don't happy couples make you happy?

Britty got this shot of me crawling in the sand for a photo. It looks like my head is missing...

...but it's worth it to get these shots of Lisa and John.

This is the first wedding I've photographed barefoot.  ;)

Britty is at it again with her sneaky photos:

While I show off the newlyweds' new rings:

Congratulations Lisa and John! :) You will be seeing all of the images soon. Thank you for letting us be part of this perfect day on the beach! Thank you SO much for our gift basket too, that was SO thoughtful!

We feel very lucky to have spent our day with you and your family. Watching a marriage between two awesome people take place was great to see and I wanted to share it here. Maybe it will inspire another couple to renew their vows! (on a beach!)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mistakes of the Past

"The mistakes you have made in the past, you have already paid for. You don't have to pay twice.

Start right now and redefine what it is you want and take the steps to get there..."

~ Paul Martinelli

Image:  "Let Go"

Monday, September 14, 2009

Daily Reminders

New Blog!

Hi! Did you notice a change here? This blog is now geared toward what I have been focusing on for some time now and feel it may help lots of people. Optimum Health! To me, this means successfully managing our own life. This encompasses our inner and outer world. Jobs, goals, dreams, emotions, energy, purpose, relationships, self-healing, etc... many areas are ones to tackle individually. I have been finding that addressing the fundamentals such as - what do you truly believe? - are ones that are life changing. I've enjoyed the books, videos, food, ideas, and people I have encountered now that I have pointed my life in this direction. This blog will be some things I have discovered along the way and will be a place for me and you to come back to often, if it should help us.

My old blog was a vegan blog. After four years, I am still vegan and believe I always will be. I do not like the label of "vegan" because I've seen it put people in groups or feel separate. The label is not needed for me, but I do believe in being compassionate in every possible way because it is right for me. This includes eating. I love animals too much to ever participate in hurting any of them. I choose to live a life that involves the least amount of suffering, and I am non-judgmentally happy with my decision. I was only not happy with the label. My old vegan blog is still available, and some of the posts are here in this one too!

Onto my Daily Reminders, which is the title of this blog post: My friend and health/nutrition coach, Jen of Pure Energy LLC, sent me a link recently to a site that I now visit daily. This site is full of wonderful information, courses on personal growth and healing, and even offers daily horoscopes. :) The link is:

...and it's free!

Sign up for their free email newsletter. Their online courses are great too, and some are fee based or donation based. Pay what you can! To give you an idea of their work, today's daily reminder included this:

Nothing happens without a purpose. Whether we attract success or repel it depends on our willingness to stay open to a wide range of possibilities and to embrace concepts like synchronicity.

The photo is also from this artcle, which is called Cosmic Support.

Check it out if you would like to see their library of articles and to even receive one each day in your inbox! What a nice way to wake up!