Yes, I'm a month behind on the "New Year" thing, but I'm trying! I have just begun the resolutions, but this is better than last year when I never quite got around to any of them. I hope you are all sticking to yours, if you made them! It's a great idea to write down your goals and read them daily, then you know where you want to go and you will get there faster with them in your mind!
One of my goals was to add more raw food into my diet. I say this all the time, but with help of a new "cookbook," it's easier than ever.
This new raw "cookbook" is more than just a recipe book. Ani talks about a way living healthy and discusses water, vitamins, sunlight, recycling, etc... which makes the book more interesting. We probably know all these facts already, but it's nice to be reminded! Here is the book cover and link to Amazon where you can peek inside the book or order it:

There's lots and lots and lots of photos of Ani in this book, but once you get over that fact, it's a nice addition to any vegan cookbook collection!
My first recipe from this book was a raw "egg" salad. Made with different types of nuts, I thought this was easy to make and very good! (Just be careful you are not eating too much fat other than this since this is packed with nuts/fat!) I added a scoopful onto some napa cabbage. The salad dressing was just an apple cider vinegar, oil, and some spices.

I have lots more to blog about, but I'm running out of "Internet" time! Work calls! (oh, and the treadmill.) :( Some of my next post will talk about the great package I recently got in the mail from my order from the infamous vegan online boutique called
Viva Granola! Oh my goodness. Have you tried Sheese yet? You *must!* Viva Granola carries many flavors of it, and I'd like them all!
Lastly, guess what I started up again?! Wheatgrass!!!! If you read my blog awhile back, I used to grow and juice it. Small apartment life killed that fun, and it was all put on hold. I had been using the frozen cubes of it, but it was not the same. Finally, I began growing it again and had my first batch this week!!!! I can't say enough about it, and while I admit it's time's so worth it to me. Here are some links to my previous posts about my fascination with wheatgrass, including how to grow it and (of course) photos:
Wheatgrass PostsOff to work I go, but I hope you are all having a great 2008! I have been gone all of January and wonder if I've lost my readers? :( I will try to get you all back!! :P
Thanks for stopping by!! Happy February!